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Having website problems? Read on for help.

How do I cancel my membership?

Email for all queries including canceling your membership.

What's the difference between Subscribing and Signing up?

Subscribing means you've paid for a subscription, which allows you to view exclusive content. 

Signing up creates an account from which you can view the free content on the site. (The bottom half of the home page has all free content)


Will Good Lion TV ever be on ROKU?

Yes. Not only that but Good Lion TV is in the process of designing and building its own platform to provide a smoother more familiar experience when it comes to content streaming/viewing. 


We recommend you use Chrome Browser when viewing on desktop if you run into playback issues.

Is Good Lion TV seeking investors?

We understand the value of education at Good Lion. That means the more effort we put into the company, the more we can educate the masses. If you'd like an opportunity to invest in our mission - which is to Redpill the World - contact

When I click a video, it doesn't play. Why?

If you haven't subscribed to a membership, half the films won't play. The films with a $ symbol require a membership. The films without a $ symbol are viewable upon sign up only. 


NOTE: Give the main page 15 seconds to load the 200 + films. Having trouble signing in after purchase? Make sure to sign in using the same format you created the account with. IE if you used google to create the account, sign in with using Google. If you used Facebook, sign in with the facebook feature etc.

Pitch an idea, a film, a podcast guest.

The spirit of collaboration is what gave birth to Good Lion Films and Good Lion TV. Feel free to share ideas with us at


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