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GUIDED MEDITATION - Focus Clarity Manifest Your Dreams

Listen to this before you start your day and before you go to bed!

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Meditation is like a workout for your brain. It has a powerful ability to provide enhanced focus, sustained attention, and elevated emotions, which combine as a multiplied potent force when it comes to the manifestation process.

Repeatedly impressing images upon the subconscious mind begins to entrain the subconscious to see your vision as important, and worthy of attention throughout the day, altering your vibration, and ultimately changing your behaviour.

The mind can, and will, wander off onto auto-pilot at any given opportunity, leaving most people operating from subconscious programs (and usually the wrong ones) for up to 95% of our waking day.

Taking the time to develop a clear, sensory rich, mental image, and then repeatedly impressing this image upon the subconscious mind, is in my opinion, is one of the greatest acts of creation we can partake in.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind anyone who's reading this that you are capable of achieving ANYTHING you so desire in this lifetime. Whatever price you ask of life, it will surly pay. What ever you're able to accept, believe, and surrender to, you can have.

We can only think equal to the emotion that we feel, thus making it absolutely imperative that our highest priority upon waking in the morning, and resting to sleep at night, be to cultivate an empowered state of clarity, gratitude for what we have right now, excitement for what's coming in the future (remembering time is only a construct, and all times and dimensions exist within the eternal present moment right now) and the full faith and confidence that we can achieve it.

This combination is what I believe to be the most necessary ingredient for success, however you may personally interpret that word, which is why I created this guided meditation, that we may all live the lives our deepest hearts desire. Lives that empower not only ourselves, but everyone we come into contact with.

Stay blessed and MANIFEST!

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GUIDED MEDITATION - Focus Clarity Manifest Your Dreams

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