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The Law Of Attraction Scientifically Explained (The Seven Hermetic Principals)

Speaker: Mark Passio

Part 1

#LawOfAttraction #SevenHermeticPrincipals #Mark Passio

The main reason people struggle to manifest their hearts desires and intentions is because they don't actually understand all the elements that comprise the law of attraction. In order to fully understand how to create your own reality, and use the law of attraction, you must know the entirety of the sum of the parts that make up the whole.

Many people have learnt TWO of the SEVEN principals, and are under the impression that somehow these two alone will create reality. Nothing could be further from the truth. These two principals are MENTALISM and VIBRATION.

Be it true they are necessary ingredients when manifesting reality, they alone have no power what so ever to manifest anything by themselves. To believe you can create reality by mind and vibration alone, is similar to believing you can build a house with a concrete foundation and roof tiles. It is true you need these two elements to build a house, they are PARTS of the WHOLE, but by themselves they have no power to create anything that even slightly resembles a house. To experience the joy of building a dream house, one needs all the elements required, carefully acted upon in the correct syntax. Much goes the same when creating our reality.

There is no one singular "Law of Attraction" so to speak. It is simply a label that hosts an entire umbrella of principals. Those principals are the Seven Hermetic Principals.This original talk is the best explanation I have come across on the seven hermetic principals, the origins of the law of attraction itself.

I have broken Marks talk down into three eight minute videos, making them short and easy to understand. I hope you enjoy these presentations and learn knowledge that may benefit you greatly on your manifesting journey.

And please, if you enjoyed watching these, show some love to Mark Passio by subscribing to his channel here:

Powers Of Ten link:

00:00 - 00:45 - The Seven Hermetic Principals
00:45 - 02:30 - The Principal of Mentalism
02:30 - 06:50 - The Principal of Correspondence
06:50 - 08:00 - The Principal of Gender



The seven hermetic principles, also known as the principles of hermeticism or the hermetic axioms, are a set of principles that are central to the philosophy of hermeticism, an ancient spiritual and philosophical tradition that originated in Egypt and that is based on the teachings of the Egyptian god Hermes Trismegistus.

The seven hermetic principles are as follows:

The Principle of Mentalism: This principle states that the universe is fundamentally mental in nature and that everything that exists is a manifestation of consciousness.

The Principle of Correspondence: This principle states that there is a correspondence or analogy between the microcosm (the individual) and the macrocosm (the universe), and that what happens in one reflects what happens in the other.

The Principle of Vibration: This principle states that everything in the universe is in a state of vibration or motion, and that the rate of vibration determines the nature of the thing.

The Principle of Polarity: This principle states that everything in the universe is dual in nature and that everything has an opposite.

The Principle of Rhythm: This principle states that everything in the universe moves in cycles and that these cycles create a rhythm or pattern.

The Principle of Cause and Effect: This principle states that every action or event has a cause and an effect, and that these causes and effects are interconnected.

The Principle of Gender: This principle states that everything in the universe has a masculine and feminine aspect, and that these aspects are always in balance.

These principles are often seen as a framework for understanding the nature of reality and the laws that govern the universe, and they are central to the teachings of hermeticism.

The Law Of Attraction Scientifically Explained (The Seven Hermetic Principals)

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